
Min fina vän Ashley från USA bloggar om sitt år i Sverige. Hittills har hon hunnit med att fira både Midsommarafton och Våffeldagen, våra stora svenska högtider...

"This weekend was Midsommar. It is the biggest holiday in Sweden, probably as big if not bigger than Christmas. I’m still a little uncertain about what we were celebrating, but it has something to do with the longest day of the year… I think."
"After lunch they take flowers and cover a giant pole, and everyone is supposed to dance around it. We didn’t."

"Yesterday was “Waffle Day” here. It is supposed to be the day that Gabriel came to Mary, and so they eat waffles to celebrate? Something like that. It seems to be one of those holidays that everyone celebrates but no one knows why."

Gå in och läs en rad eller två!

På lördag blir det förmodligen en sväng till Frizon, tjohoo.


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